The tooth....

.... has been a cause of much angst in our household. Anxiety from the music teacher about whether it will affect her embouchure when they've gone (the conclusion was probably not as she's had time to get strong enough to handle it...) has meant she's been ordered to leave the wobbly little devil alone. It has been at least 3 months since it started properly wobbling and has now moved a very long way (the gap to the right of it in the picture has happened in the last few weeks) but she's been so good at not wobbling it. Except now we are letting her, and wanting her to try brave pulling it out, because the grown up tooth has now started to cut behind it, a long way behind, plus it hurts her. 

Busy day. She did over an hour's piano this morning as well as some major playing. I spent £1 on 5 plastic sea creatures when we went to the Deep in half term. I have definitely had my money's worth, she loves them. She had almost an hour playing in the tub.  We walked to church where she immediately ran off to the Cousin. She went out to play on the new climbing area in the playground after the service whilst I went into a children's work meeting. Where I stayed for the next two hours. She joined me after her playmate (and mum) had left. She sat quietly eating her lunch, doing some theory and reading her book as we finished the meeting. 

We made it home around 2.15 having decided to buy some ingredients to make smoothies. Except they somehow turned into chocolate ice cream milkshakes with raspberries and banana for good measure. Tasty though! she went off to play again for a while until she returned to do an hour of clarinet as tea cooked. She made extremely light work of her meal as we watched Sewing Bee. She took herself back to the piano for a little while before bed, where we discovered it is apparently very funny to substitute words of the story with the word onion. Very very funny. She laughed so much at me. 

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