A Quiet Day

A quiet day. A morning at home catching up on some reading. I had a good nap. I then ventured out to see an artist friend who was showing her wares at a rather smart market.

The weather was foggy and cold and generally not conducive to light, merry thoughts and I could feel my internal 'unhelpful' voices starting to warm up. I decided that I needed to take good care of myself so I took off for the open road and with a little help from Radio Scotland and Radio 4, I returned to the city feeling better. I then had a bath - such inexpensive luxury.

Because yesterday had to be about the perilous smells on the Links, the 11 June classic track has been delayed, but only for a day. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Paul Weller in his prime - https://youtu.be/l45DrxZGglI

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