'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly

One day, things will work out okay

"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes."
? A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

This photo is pretty much how my day has gone. The bird was there, I had it focused but it flew between the shots and all I caught were its feet. I was too late.

Been an up-and-down sort of day. I was okay until I got to work. Then when I got there my mood went south and stayed there.

For once I would love to not have to beg to be able to see my family =(

I'm not asking for the world. I'm asking for a few hours to spend with people I only get to see every few months.


And to the idiot customer I had today - you really pissed me off and if it weren't for laws and CCTV I would have probably done something painful to you.

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