Maisy goes to hospital

The above mentioned book is now going in the bin! Just minutes after reading it at bedtime last night, P hurt her arm after playing a bit of rough and tumble with Mr J.

She was crying in pain and wouldn't let us anywhere near her arm. I took her to A&E and 3 1/2 hours and some X-rays later she was diagnosed with a fractured elbow!

She still went into school today and luckily the doctor said she didn't need a cast. She was given a sling until we can get an appointment at the fracture clinic.

The school was celebrating the Queens birthday today with a non uniform day and a picnic lunch. When P got home she said her arm was feeling much better and didn't want to wear her sling anymore! I feel bad making her wear it when she doesn't need it, but am worried she might do even more damage if it's not correctly rested. Think I might ring the GP tomorrow for some advise.

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