Orchids Everywhere but mind where you step

A warning light had come on in the car yesterday saying that one of the tyres had deflated. This morning I re-inflated it & then went for a drive out to Ragpits once again. Despite heavy rain when I left home it had stopped when I got there and was warm & muggy. There were thousands of Orchids in flower and as I walked back to the car I almost trod on this beauty. When I first saw it I thought someone had dropped a seashell but when I bent down to pick it up I realised that someone was at home. I moved him safely off the path and took a few shots. He was bigger than any snail I had ever seen and was probably the size of a golf ball. After taking his picture (several times) I went home.

The internet quickly told me that he was a Roman snail - so called because the Romans introduced them to southern parts of the UK during the period of their occupation. 

There was a good (ish) view of Mentmore Towers today in the far distance - see extra . I have also included another shot of the orchids - the reason I visited.

Warm Muggy & Rainy !

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