Artsy Fartsy

By GeorgiaM99


My step dad brought home a deer skull today.. He was given it to give to someone else but I might be able to keep it.. I don't know about anyone else, but I find it quite interesting...

I was an S6 guide again today and I met my S1 buddy. Every S6 pupil is paired with one (or sometimes two) S1 so that the S1s (who are the youngest in high school) have someone to ask things or talk to about concerns etc etc who isn't a teacher. My buddy is very nice and didn't have much to ask, so all was well.

Me and Libby managed to lose half a class when taking them to their next class because they got split in half on the busy stairs and just ended up going the wrong way. Luckily I was at the back so I saw them going the wrong way (Libby did too but she was at the front at the top of the stairs so couldn't help as quickly) and I tried to get ahead of the ones who had gone the wrong way so that I could turn them back the right way but they got to a teacher first.. Haha. I led them all back upstairs though and everything was fine. My school is very big and I remember getting lost countless times in S1.

day 85

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