The life of Hannah Carr

By HannahC


Mums friend and her dog came this morning for a cuppa. I would have edited this photo. But picassa and my netbook are playing up! grrr!

But before they came. Me and Jennie were up at half eight. At quater to nine we were dressed and ready. So we set off walking into town to but a few things. We purchased : 2 nail varnishes. 1 nail pen. 1 pack of doughnuts. Nail varnish remover and cotton wool. And some ice lollies. Oh and Jennie forced me to buy her a 'kadoo' hand wash ? don't ask. I didn't.
Then we were back by 10.30 am. And Did our nails. They looked pretty good.

Then later on at about 1.54 Mum dropped me off In town and I chilled with 2 of my friends. Then she picked me up on the way back from having her eye brows done. Now mums gone out with her friends. And me dad and jen and george are sat in front of the TV watching the Olympic open ceremony. With doritos and a can of coke...ahhh relaxxxxx...................

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