
By wakwak


R dog visiting. B cat out chasing rabbits. I'd say hunting but she's only ever caught one and doesn't seem to know how to kill them.

Had disgusting curry from Sainsbury's. Shame I can't cook.

Piano tonight. It was okay. The Jazz piece is going fine. I've been working on " the school lesson" for ages. As soon as I stop focusing on it I lose ground.

Choir tomorrow but I haven't practised and I don't feel like it now. I enjoy and have no idea why I always leave preparation to the last minute. There's always something else to do or nothing at all!

Terrible about the Orlando club shooting this weekend. How does anyone think that's a rational thing to do? Despite all the talk it won't make any difference to the US gun laws. Or lack of.

I feel terrible if I drop litter by accident or upset someone. I guess others are just not taught that sort of thing or don't have it inside themselves or get distorted somehow. It's heard not to feel disheartened and despondent.

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