Bringing It Home

As I walked past the Fairhaven Station building this afternoon, where folks go to take a train or bus north to Vancouver, B.C., or south to Seattle and beyond, and saw both the American and the Canadian flags at half-staff, it was a poignant reminder of the 49 lives lost in the Orlando massacre.

June 2016 is LGBT Pride Month in the United States, by Presidential proclamation. This passage from that proclamation, at the very least, needs to be read by every person in the U.S.: "There remains much work to do to extend the promise of our country to every American, but because of the acts of courage of the millions who came out and spoke out to demand justice and of those who quietly toiled and pushed for progress, our Nation has made great strides in recognizing what these brave individuals long knew to be true in their hearts -- that love is love and that no person should be judged by anything but the content of their character."

May it be so.

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