Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn


Phew, I am overwhelmed at all of your kind comments for my sticky willie blip yesterday. I never thought I would make it into the spotlight - and you all put me there! Thank-you, thank-you.
So back down to earth with a bang tonight. It's always a struggle finishing work for a few days - had a deadline to meet and so much to prepare for our short camping trip.
So whilst 'normal' women are booking an extra day off for waxing, tinting and pedicuring I spent the day fretting over an unexpected bit of DNA sequence where it shouldn't be and making sure everyone else was sorted. Then off to the supermarket to buy supplies so they can be frozen to last longer in the cool box.
A bit of organising gear tonight - then a quick blip of a "mystery object with cat hairs". In other words, not very good.
Thank goodness I snapped this orange lily this morning while topping up the bird feeders, I admit it's a bit tweeked, but needs must.

So thanks again and now a quick bit of Olympic opening ceremony before bed and an unseemly early rise in the morning to finish packing my poor wee car with enough gear to get Hannibal's army across the alps - or two sisters and one son/nephew to Islay!

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