Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mr Fish

Went for a walk at lunchtime - not long as it was starting to rain - and met this character who was camping out, waiting for the fishing season to start at midnight! He seemed happy to have his picture taken and gave me a mini life story about his years in the army (Royal Engineers) and as a quarryman, mostly working on plant and machinery maintenance.

Afterwards there was a romantic scene of a couple under a bridge, obviously very passionate, twirling an umbrella. Would have been a great shot if I had been intrusive enough to take it.

Otherwise a typical day in the office, struggling with concentration and fatigue. Was interviewed for an hour in conjunction with some development work. Could feel myself slipping away during the course of it, voice becoming croakier.

But hey! I have a five year plan. That's a good start...

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