Pink and Purple

I have Wednesdays off now. Gives me a chance to catch up on reports and housework or just relaxing. A day that I choose what I do in other words!

I had a work colleague and friend over for a few hours while she was in between jobs. She has recently lost her dad so it was a nice chance to catch up. I think I helped!

I then had a little potter in the garden as it seems to have taken off recently. I had forgotten that I'd planted radishes and was quite surprised to find they were ready! Im going to try and juice them tomorrow!!

Just making some soup now as this 28 day Juice challenge is harder than it seems. All the other Juice diets I'v tried have included a soup or a salad and hasn't been entirely juice. I think Im craving something hot or munchy!

Did I tell you Im seeing COLDPLAY tomorrow - beyond excited!!!!

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