Rubbish day, weather-wise, but a chance to get caught up on some admin. Also some gardening in the rain, because there's so much to do that I can't afford to be a fair-weather gardener like I do in winter.
CarbBoy's school has started their end of year treat, which is a week of circus training in a proper big-top! Of course, the rain meant that couldn't be used today, but they still all seem very excited about it all. For the show on Friday CarbBoy wants to dress up as a clown. Unfortunately the teacher has banned buying costumes (totally understand why) so some time today was spent ferreting around in the attic looking for appropriate materials to cobble something together.
Later, a neighbour popped round to discuss the high school enrolment (we will share pick up and drop off so it's important they are in the same class and therefore have the same timetable) and while here said she was furious with how the meeting went on Sunday and that the neighbour who was against me is... well, let's just say I learned lots of new French swear words.
And a couple of the olive trees are festooned with their rather dainty blossom.
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