One of my many pet hates

Are large umbrellas used in busy streets.

Its rained on and off most of the day.

As I was walking along the Embankment nearing Blackfriars I was stopped by a policeman as there was a suspect package.  That meant a detour to the office.  I've checked the internet since and the area was later cleared without anyone being hurt.

Late update on Mono Monday challenge - "anything that makes you smile"

For some reason Freyjad's image was not included in the MM125 tag list.  I think that it is rather special so I've awarded it a heart.

Extra images
And when I am not working hard for a bank, looking after my hubby and children, helping to run a choir, blipping I find some time to knit. Two friends at work have had babies so I have made them each a cardigan and the other one is for a special young lady.  I hope that it fits.

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