Art Art Art
What a night! I support a community art studio that provides a welcoming space for anyone to drop in and express themselves through any medium....for free. It is the brainchild of an amazing woman who is a certified art teacher and an accomplished Canadian actress. This photo is not Mary, but a lovely girl who volunteers her time at the studio and tonight she was waiting to be a 'runner' at the manic auction to raise necessary funding to help pay for the studio to stay open for another year.
It was a very successful night and I am proud to say that my three photos sold (phew!). In the extra is one of my photos with the lady who bid on it...oh, and me. My daughter (who volunteered her time) took the photo.
Now I am tired, and I am falling behind on commenting and being able to view everyone's daily blips! Oi, oi, oi....
Hope you are all well....
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