The Spiral Dance

Dear Diary,

This is the new sculpture in my patio garden.  It is made by a local artist and I just love it.  The spiral has been a favorite of mine for a long time.  It is a reminder that whatever path I am on it will reach its ending and then I must turn around and start a new one.  I've always seen life that way; not as a long straight line but a series of gentle and evolving spirals,  turning inward and then outward, again and again.

A dear friend of mine's father is nearing death and each day she has with him is a blessing.  His spiral dance is almost over.  For him it will be a quiet peaceful end after a long and happy life.  There is no sadness in it.  We would all be so lucky to have our endings like that. 

I am still processing the horrible event in Orlando last weekend and thinking of all those young people who were never given the chance to end the dance but were cut down in mid-step as it were.  This country has to wake up and take back control from the gun lobbies and the despicable NRA.  I have never been prouder to be a democrat as I watch that senator from Connecticut filibuster on the senate floor.  I'd like to think it will make a difference...time will tell.

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