
By cowgirl

There but for the grace ...

... of the god of bathing products ...

I was making the biggest decision of the moment - no, not " stay or leave ", but which shower gel to buy this time. Next to me stood this lovely young lady and we struck up conversation over the various choices before us. We both agreed we had to smell before we buy, and whilst I was drawn to the tradition gel forms, my companion went for a new "foam burst" option.

I heard a small exclamation and turned to her to see the above!!

"Please tell me you have a tissue! "

I did, so we got her cleaned up, but not before we'd both taken a photo and laughed a lot!! She also mentioned that it doesn't taste great, so don't try this at home kids!

The shower foam went back on the shelf and we both went for a Lemon Sherbet scented gel that was on offer, then went our separate ways.

I wish I'd warned her to keep away from the 'Home Fragrance' section ...

That could so easily have been me!

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