Summer Rain near Buxted

I took a back way home after leaving Waitrose in Uckfield this afternoon to avoid the traffic problems caused by the roadworks in the High Street.

I'd already missed one downpour while I was in the shop: another one struck on the way between the Framfield Road and Buxted, so I stopped under some overhanging trees, and used a fast shutter speed to capture the heavy raindrops 'in flight' against the rustic backdrop of Mascalls Farm on the south side of Buxted Village.

(I vividly remember our class teacher in primary school, some 50 years ago now, telling us not to show rain in a picture by drawing great slashes across it, but simply to show puddles, people in rainwear etc., so I was amused as well as satisfied to see the rain come out in such clear white lines in this capture.)


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