Childof theUniverse 1

By PetkinBrown

.....It's raining again....❤️

......Yes, you've guessed it....It's raining again...!! Not heavy, more of a constant mizzle. A bit of housework, (mainly dusting) those harvest spiders (the creepy ones with a tiny body and huge legs) have taken over... especially in the boys bedrooms....My feather duster (except it is a multicoloured wool one) Is put to good use. Late morning, younger Son and I visit Cirencester ❤️ Lunch of Vietnamese prawn Laska from "Stacked" my favourite....Bought a pair of Clarke's shoes for work and drooled over the clothes in "White Stuff". Picked up some olives, cheese and eggs from the market.....Plus a couple of shirts for my Dad for Fathers Day Xx

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