Seeing Red

I often sleep with The Boss. He is quick to point out that this is not like the usual arrangement of “sleeping with The Boss” whatever that is but I have a rug on the floor on the Bossess’s side of the bed and that’s mine.
So it is a pain when the morning doesn’t flow smoothly and this morning it didn’t. He was up and down up and down getting tripod, changing lens, remembering cable release and faffing about something chronic and then he started taking photo’s of his camera viewscreen and texting then to The Bossess which causes “binging” noises so I had to endure all this and it was just too much so I saw red and moved to my main bed downstairs and back to sleep.
I better point out that dogs don’t actually see colours all that well so quite frankly all the fuss was lost on me.
And there is an extra with another lens.

Oh and it actually was like this. Photoshop has not been involved here so the sailors out there should be scared shipless.

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