Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Note to self

Never, never go to Ikea on Saturday and don't skip lunch during it either!
I promised the kids that we would just go to ikea to buy the fixings for a fitted wardrobe and then go have fun with their Aunt in Melbourne. As you can see from the shipping bag, a few "incidentals " snuck in. We, mostly, survived all the temptations that Ikea could throw at us and got to the checkout before having cold feet about the very expensive storage item.
I then persuaded the team to retrace their steps, to go against the flow and research other options. It didn't go down well. Having checked them out, I convinced myself that perhaps our original idea was the best after all, so we ordered it to be delivered next week and, using all possible short cuts, we made our way back to the check outs. To keep up flagging spirits, we had a race, hence all the naughty looking faces!
We survived Saturday at Ikea, but only just.

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