All say cheese.

Our grandson came to see us yestarday to tell us they would not make it for the school medevil forces day today as they were going to Exeter.this is our great grandaughter and her sister and brother.this morning H was out in the garden painting the first coat on the fence at 7.30am.then i moved some plants to the bottom of the garden watered and fed them so i will have to wait to see if they will survive.some plants i had to throw away .i spent about 6 hours in the garden still a lot to do .when H took the hedge out it left quite a gap and there were quite a few weeds to clear out.i was glad to have a shower after all that work.then did the tonights meal will be scampi.then fruit salad with clotted cream.H is working on his boat this afternoon.we have not seen any sun today but it is warmer.last evening we had to put the heating on as it wasn't very warm.forecast for the next few days is not good and it will be the longest day next week.

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