horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

I Otter pop up to say Hello

Early start for a wander in the park, which had all the birds spooked and mainly out of the water, which made me wonder if the otter was visiting. Lo and behold... Watched him snaffle a moorhen chick, not long after I'd remarked that the adults seemed to be leading their brood directly towards where he was hanging about. It was like a scene from Jaws, his head popping up inches behind, then silent pounce (save for the adults going mental, though they fled every time there was a sighting, leaving their chicks to his clutches, while the swans had a hiss then took the cygnets elsewhere).

The family scattered, I thought the otter had got all three of the chicks, but two appeared unscathed, and we reunited after about 20 minutes of me wondering if mum would ever round them up.

It was like a little park soap opera...

Day has been spent learning Tai Chi, and I'm now shattered, so I'll be popping out for beer soon I think. But not too much, because back for another 4 hours, to add to the 6 today, tomorrow.

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