Pink poppies
I have had a quiet day which has been good to catch up on chores around the house - I even baked a banana loaf for all the boys. I don't often bake these days as they are so health conscious and don't eat much cake!
Gavin left home early this morning to spend the day sailing with some of the crew who are doing the ARC later this year. They need to start practicing drills and to test that all the equipment on the boat is in working order. He is then driving from Southampton straight to Durham to fetch Luke, so he has a long evening ahead of him. They will come home tomorrow.
I am waiting for the onslaught of laundry Adam to arrive home and then we will have fun and games trying to pack all his university stuff somewhere for the duration of the holidays. They seem to accumulate so much crap stuff.
On my dog walk this morning, I noticed that despite the rain there are still one or two poppies still standing. I got quite excited when I saw these, they were almost as tall as me and such a beautiful pink - they were growing wild next to some houses but perhaps they seeded themselves from a nearby house.
Very exciting that Tim Peake landed back on earth today after spending six months in space. It seems it was a very successful mission and the benefits of the Tim Peake effect should be far reaching, as you can read here.
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