Oh Hello...
I had full intentions of staying at home today but the sunshine and having a day off convinced me to get out for an early walk before it got hot. Five hours later....difficult choice to pick a blip from the outing but this squirrel stood out. I actually had camera settings a little 'off' as I had forgot to reset from an indoor shoot I did last night. In the darkness of the forest, it sort of worked?
This squirrel definitely needs to get his nails trimmed! He was very friendly, as were all the other rodents today. Strangely friendly, actually....all took peanuts from my hand (Grey and Red) and the chipmunks let me pet them. In the extra is a very tiny little chipmunk who was blind. This is the third blind chipmunk I have seen in this area which makes me wonder if something is happening or am I just becoming more observant? He seemed to be doing alright, though....although, he wasn't filling his cheeks as they normally do, but eating one peanut at a time.
Gorgeous day here...I hope the sun is shining wherever you are!
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