Lala's Journal

By Lala

Is it or isn't it?

When we moved here I brought important plants with me in their pots. One of the plants was the Julia Rose that I had brought a year previously from Mum's garden. As the garden here was so big I enlisted the help of Di the gardener who planted out some of the plants and potted others up into bigger pots. Add to the 30 or so I brought with me, another 20 approx plants in pots my gardener friend from the castle donated I have somewhat lost track of the Julia rose. I think it is this one, but not certain as it has so many buds. The last two years, the most it has had is 2 flowers. The other problem is how long before the buds open? This one has been like this for almost two weeks. The suspense is killing me, is it theJulia or not?

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