Cat - a different one...
After arriving home at around 1am this morning after a very delayed flight, I had a bit of a lie-in (well, it was for me...) until around 8ish.
Then I got up and started a bit of a spring clean. My parents and brother and family are coming round tomorrow for Father's Day lunch, so it's a good excuse to do some jobs that have been "postponed" this spring!
Since I am not very into cleaning (who is?!), I had plenty of breaks and took the opportunity to catch up on everyone's journals, like I have been promising since I got back from holiday!
I've had a lot of fun in between the dusting, cleaning, hoovering and making a pavlova - there have been TONS of fabulous shots - isn't blip fantastic!? I love it :)
So I am now up to date with reviewing and commenting on everyone's journals, but I have a TON of replies to post since you have all been lovely enough to sprinkle my own journal with stars and comments too! For this, I am incredibly grateful and I will try to reply over the next couple of days I hope. No promises, as I am busy tomorrow and then back to Sweden on Monday...
Anyway, today's blip is of yet another cat that has appeared in our back garden- one I have not seen before, It was just sitting there for ages, looking in through the patio windows at us. So eventually I went out to take it's picture, but it didn't hang around for long once I pointed the camera at it! It is a rather handsome cat though! :)
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