Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Glasses at the Ready

This did make me laugh.  We were around at my sister-in-law's for birthday celebrations.  June is our busiest month for birthday's and anniversaries, so we often get the opportunity to catch up with family and friends.

I'd popped to the bathroom and was intrigued by the sight of these glasses, lying on the towel, which was draped across the head of the bath.  I immediately had an image of the wearer lying back resplendently in the bath, quaffing wine and reading the latest best seller.  It came as a surprise when I found out they belonged to my (nearly) 22 year old nephew.  I felt the need to make a quick adjustment to my mental image!

The family are just about to embark on a re-fit project for their kitchen.  We were able to tell them of some of the pitfalls!

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