A roundabout way

It won't sound like it but I did manage to fit some work in today. My morning mainly consisted of coffee with my good friend Tina at the Costa in the otherwise deserted K Village. The coffee shop is on the outside of the mall, just by the river, where you can't see all the empty shops, and Tina and I sat out in the sun, catching up. 

Then I headed down to Chorley for lunch with the inspirational Dom Conlon, whose birthday it is tomorrow. Although we didn't discuss it, it was my conversation with him that crystallised some thoughts I've been having around what I want to do creatively. More of that anon.

Finally, I had a marketing meeting in Altrincham, after which I headed back to Chorley and, despite feeling knackered, I dragged myself out for a run. I only did four miles and when I got back, I saw the Minx was still out walking, so I popped down to this roundabout to meet her. I'm a big fan and advocate of public art and I love these figures,

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