Red Squirrel


Dinner Is Served ....

GO LARGE if you dare!

Today I've spent a fair bit of time watching day 1 of the dressage phase of the Olympic Eventing. But I've also spent a lot of time outside in the paddock, enjoying the sunshine, insects and wildlife (and looking for a potential blip of course).
At one point I spotted a tunnel design spider web on which a small fly had just become trapped. I had my camera already switched on, so squatted and waited a couple of seconds hoping to get a shot of the spider as it emerged and grabbed its prey. Hell, that thing moved so quickly it was back inside the tunnel before my shutter had a chance to click! Undeterred I decided to simply shove my lens into the tunnel and try for some shots as the spider consumed the black and orange banded fly it had caught. This was the best of them, and I had to sharpen it to make it decent. But it was such a rare opportunity I decided that, although the shot isn't the greatest quality, I'd blip it anyway!

Technically I had a far better shot of a wasp on a thistle, with fairly good bokeh - if I hadn't managed to get the shot of the spider it would have been my blip. But hey, I've had many shots of wasps and thistles lately and I thought the spider was much more interesting!

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