From the Centre for Alternative Technology, wet!

Welsh weather reverted to type today with wall to wall rain. Much predicted by the weather forecasters the rain began falling at 10.00am and was still going strong when we went to bed. Not conducive to a good, scenic blip, but that can't be helped.

The inclement weather didn't affect our plans for the day which were to visit the Centre for Alternative Technology near Machynlleth. CAT is celebrating its 40th year promoting sustainable solutions to environmental issues facing the world today mainly around reducing energy consumption and increasing the production of renewable energy sources.

I think they are on the right track but it is an unenviable task to convince those in power that significant change is required as the huge multinational companies have too much of a vested interest in the status quo.

CAT are promoting a project that would see Britain (whatever that might look like after Thursday) as a Zero Carbon Britain by 2030. (ZCB2930). I hope it's achievable; we can all do something more in our lives to help achieve the target even if we think we're pretty environmentally friendly already.

There was some criticism on Trip Advisor about how tired the Centre was looking and I have to admit it had a bit of weariness about it but it was still thought provoking and had the added bonus of many covered areas protecting us from the rain.

Came back to a great supper cooked this time by Irene W, with copious quantities of cheese to follow. Our turn to cook tomorrow.

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