
These signs appear by the front door of a cracking pub - the Border Rose at Walsden, near Todmorden.

The subject of today's Mono Monday challenge is "things that make you cross." If it had been set for yesterday, I could have found dozens of things that actually did make me cross.  We were travelling home from Sweden, on two flights with a 4 hour wait at Copenhagen.  Mass travel always makes me cross - crowds, queues, pointless bureaucracy, inefficient systems, rude people, etc etc. I could have also photographed any newspaper, to show coverage of the ghastly national madness which has developed in the run-up to the EU Referendum. But that would have been too depressing.

Today, I found it difficult to come-up with something which actually made me cross on the day. I can usually find signs that so abuse the English language as to make me fulminate. But this one - "Opening times variable - please ask inside" - made me laugh. "Homemade pies to take home" is also good. So, to ease the burden on RedFlash, who is once again hosting Mono Monday, I am prepared to disqualify myself.

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