Amanda's photos

By AmandaProsser

Bright eyes

There's a thriving colony of jackdaws that breed in the castle in our village.  They tend not to take much interest in the garden unless there's very obvious food about, and even then they're very wary.

This one came and perched in the elder for a while while he had a good look around.  In the end he decided the food looked too good to be true and flew off.

People don't tend to look closely at corvids, lumping them all together as 'crows'.  But jackdaws have rather nice two-tone plumage, with a black body and dove-grey head with a black skull-cap.  They also have startling and piercing bright blue eyes; other corvids don't have those.

I continue to be astonished and delighted at what this admittedly rather expensive (and second-hand!) lens can do.

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