Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm

Younger Me

Today's theme is: A Younger You

So here is a selection of photos of a younger me.

At the very bottom is a photo of me when I was a baby...I think around 4 months old considering I was born in July and my dad is wearing a poppy so the photo must've been taken in November. I was born 3 months premature and didn't leave hospital until I was about 6 months old

The photo of me sitting on the arm of a chair was taken at my granny and grandad's house, taken some time when I first started primary school

The photo bottom right, I was around 9 years old..taken with my beloved granny...I was stick thin but LOVED that skirt because it twirled right out when I spun round :)

The photo top left is my nursery school photo so I would've been aged about 4 years old

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