I'm the king of the castle

A quiet, go slow kind of a day today.

Then I went to the Cathedral around 4 pm for a practice and a minor panic. Mass went smoothly though and the priest who was taking it (who was only ordained last weekend) seemed like a reasonable, kind man. The singing went as well as can be expected with only a few minor mistakes that I'm sure no-one apart from us noticed.

After Mass, we got to go and have a look up in the tower. I'm not sure if we were meant to or not. It was pretty dark up there. What a view though, over the city and down into the Cathedral. Brilliant!

Off then to a cafe in New Brighton for a wee gig. It was all pretty relaxed and we had fun.

Then a moonlight stroll on the beach, a swing on the swings in the playground and a nightcap to finish off the evening.

Got to bed tired but had a good night, so all good.

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