For most of the day today, thinking about the monomonday theme of anything that annoys me or makes me cross, the best I could come up with was when the weather leaving for work indicates a certain coat style, only to arrive at work realising I had the wrong coat. It happens either way... leave sunny, light coat, get to work raining.... leave windy rain, warm rainproof coat, get to work sunny. I so don't like having the wrong coat on! I wasn't quite sure how I would capture that though...
That was until we got off the train, me and Ms H, and went to get in the car. Suddenly I remembered, as I opened the car door and took my (wrong) coat off, too hot see, and the stupid door keeps closing. No matter where I am, if I try to leave this car door open, it will shut. It's like there's a pinball spring firing it back at me, even on a hill.
I appreciate in this scene, sun shining, wind blowing the washing dry, grass needing cut, this looks like a mild-mannered door that would be friends with anyone... BUT IT'S NOT!!!
Aye, ok, first world problems...
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