Old Photo

I found this old photo whilst I was de-cluttering my house. It is my Granddad on my Mum's side, and my Uncle Ben. Apparently baby boys wore gowns in those days!

I never met either of them, as my Granddad died a week before I was born, and my Mum and Uncle fell out way before that, and never spoke to one another again! I remember rescuing this photo years ago, when my Mum was going to chuck it out.

I can see a strong physical resemblance between me and my Granddad. The eyes and mouth are the same, and the nose would have been had he not had his broken. The hair too, most probably! My Mum used to say I also had his temperament! I don't have the pixie ears though...

He'd have been pretty young when this was taken - early 20's most likely. He was ten years younger than my Granny. I have heard mostly bad things about him - he was a violent, womanising drunk with a gambling addiction! He worked very hard, but blew all the money on his vices! But as I never knew him I really couldn't say.

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