Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

We teach at the beach!

A beach day for my class today, with links to art, problem solving, team work and DT...but the main theme was having a jolly good time after working hard, particularly during their SATs!

We had an absolutely blast and experienced our first trip to the beach without any rain to report...cloudy with a few signs of sunshine was the closing verdict!

Each child created their own self portrait using materials found on the beach, worked as a team in a game of Limpets and Seagulls, worked out how to create a moat around their sandcastle a, started little fires using stocks and cotton wool and cooked s'mores on the fire pit.

This is a photo of the giant octopus sand sculpture we made as a group - they called him Barny :-)

Today absolutely confirmed that school should be about having fun, exploring things because you want to, discovering things through experiences and learning because you love learning...not because you need to tick a box for the government!!

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