Marsupium Photography

By magi

blue eyes

I was asked to take some photos at the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) 2016 event hosted by my school. Speakers were Professor Lesley Yellowlees, the Scottish Minister for Further and Higher Education and Science, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Professor Athene Donald and Laura Bates who founded the Everyday Sexism Project. I only stayed for the presentation so I could take some photos. Although I was also very interested in the talks which gave plenty food for thought. It is quite shocking that women not only suffer from lack of opportunity due to spending time with family (kids, relatives, etc) but also have to deal with everyday sexism. There is no excuse for sexist and otherwise discriminatory behaviour. It did occur to me that the opportunity issue could be easily fixed by seriously reducing everybody's workload to say 3 days of work a week. That way more people could be usefully employed and be able to pursue other things rather than work until they collapse (if they are lucky to have some work).

Anyway, the chick hopped into the building and was not very disturbed by our presence. It did get boxed and released outside. Hopefully, it did manage to escape the cats.

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