You Can't See Me!
Oh, yes I can! I've never seen Neo sitting on our bathroom window sill before. But according to my husband he does it all the time!
Went food shopping this morning, spent loads of money, mind you it included razor blades and face cream, both of which are ridiculously expensive.
had Isabella this afternoon. Took her out for a walk but after and hour and half she still wasn't asleep, so we went home. Still, it was a good walk for me.
She played quite happily for a time in her play pen, whilst I had a cup of tea. Then she got out and played on the rocking horse. The felt ball and cube were a big hit, especially the ball, which Sophia enjoyed as well.
Isabella kept chasing after Sophia, and then running away (around the furniture) as fast as she could, laughing, and then going back for more.
Sophia had a little finger in her eye, nose and ear several times, but she sat there patiently putting up with it all.
An afternoon of cuddles and laughter, I just love it.
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