
By RaceyTrace333

Another fun trip to Ikea

Well I was up early and off to Ikea I went with friends. Mission to get another storage cabinet.

Boy did we have a laugh. We spent a good 30 mins watching this couple trying to get their purchases into a Ford Ka. Funny, they had a canvas that was as big as the car. They finally got it in but not sure what it will look like when they get it home. Then these 2 men came out with a large box, no way was that going in. So they decided to take it out of the box. It was a white metal bedstead. As they were putting the first piece in the end slid down the box and across the tarmac. That must of scratched it badly. At which point we had to leave the restaurant as we were laughing so loud.

Well 2hrs later our purchases were made, storage cabinet and 4 garden seats. Talk about devil get you back, we were the next casualty trying to get them in the car. I could not see for boxes, i could just hear Ali saying I got the box in but can't get my foot in. Laugh or what! Then we set off but could not see a thing or hardly turn the steering wheel. We had to stop and re.valuate. Not laughed that much in ages.

The photo is my friend Debbie squeezed in the back with the boxes and one in her footwell, she had to sit on one leg. Then Her husband was in the front with his knees rammed against the dashboard. An hour later we arrived home very stiff. We put everthing together, as you can see Roxy approves of the new garden seats.

Thank you all for kind messages regarding my sister. Hope your having a fun weekend.

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