Back in Edinburgh

3.30am Amada and I got up...(that is true friendship I reckon) .....for our long journey to Cork Airport. She told me that she wouldn't be sparkling company at that time of the morning but I reckon we managed to get round to some very unusual subjects (in depth) to keep ourselves one stage I had to say...gosh we are talking a load of s**t....however it didn't stop us and we continued on.

It felt rather sad to say goodbye and I felt my eyes misting up........already her and Peter have become such special friends to me.

However the next stage of the adventure beckoned and I got on the 'late' plane...nearly breaking my neck as I snapped my head back from a snort after dropping off to sleep.
I caught a taxi...(my first here)...childhood memories came flooding kids we always like to sit on the little seats in the roomy back.

When I arrived back at P's flat there was a thermos of tea and half a packet of Chocolate Digestives waiting for me on the coffee table with a foolscap page of instructions on how to use the tv and how to find the DVD I want to watch  AND HOW TO PUT IT BACK. in its proper place...hahahahahah...oh and all the goodies that were in the fridge waiting to be devoured. How well he has got to know me already.

No blipping to be done (too tired) I snapped a picture from my bedroom window with my iPhone. Peter brought home some fish n chips and we talked and caught up on our was 11.30 before I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and headed for bed.

I seem to be a day later with my blipping these days...I am trying to catch up.

I am off now to catch a bus into town...a wander around Edinburgh ...the castle and gardens ...excited to see where the day takes me. 

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