Capital adventures

By marchmont

Arc en ciel

Sat up till the wee small hours watching the opening ceremony. It was amazing - the lighting of the cauldron was stupendous, not to mention her Maj as a Bond girl, although she looked a bit grumpy through the ceremony (and did you see her picking her nails?)

Despite the late night/early morning I woke after 3 hours sleep and couldn't get back to sleep. Later there was a support conversation with a friend who has given me so much support and who needs some support herself. 'Her' man is even more duplicitous and more of a liar and betrayer than mine was.

I spent a few hours in the back green, ripping out weeds in the, almost, sun. Huge pile of weeds and wrecked hands.

Then it was out for coffee with S who was my main support in bringing up my 3 sons for 6 years - she was our nanny I suppose, but really a friend and a mainstay. It was great to see her again, down from Inverurie for the week-end, and we had coffee round at 'Black Medicine' before coming home and surprising #3 son.

I've spent the evening not doing very much. I'm tired. Watched a bit of the Olympics. Shame about Cav and Hannah Miley. She's from Inverurie, my home town. She is a member of the Garioch Swimming Club and trains in the Inverurie pool, where I swam at least twice a week for years. It is the taking part that counts -not everyone can win a medal.

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