... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Cornmarket: What Do Experts Think?

More uncertain in large.

Gawd, I'm scared...
I wasn't going to post this, but it has been on my mind all day, so why not?
I wandered through town at lunchtime (thinking that I'd blip the Covered Market) and both Leave and Remain were out in force. I could possibly convince myself to be slightly reassured, because I only saw people walking around wearing "I'm in" stickers, but then we are in Oxford, and I'm not 100% sure that the Leave people were all pushing stickers. Perhaps people here are embarrassed to take them? I overheard a lot of conversations (with both Leave and Remain campaigners) and many people were saying "I'm still not sure" or equivalent.
It seems to me that the "Experts" have been thinking (and saying) everything possible (we'll be richer/poorer, happier/sadder, stronger/weaker if we're In or Out), so it is no wonder that no-one is much the wiser.

p.s. I had to back blip yesterday's entry this morning.

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