Let Time Be Still

By lettimebestill

Pina Colada

I got down and partied with my Mum and all the oldies last night, they had a nudist beach party in the garage. Mum was wearing a ridiculously large nude suit with blue pubic hair. Her original idea was to cover the entire lounge with a layer of sand... gosh I love my oddball mother, it's nice to know where my own craziness came from.

I actually didn't do much partying. I spent a good hour or so looking through a telescope with Alex trying to figure out what the star-like stationary flickering thing in the sky was. We never did find out, but it definitely was not a star. It had both red and green lights, I will be impressed if it was a satellite like we guessed as they must be really powerful lasers! If anyone knows what it was, do tell. It wasn't near any constellations I know so I couldn't tell you where it was.

We ended up falling asleep before the other generation, how sad.

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