Purple Flamingoes

Pink flamingoes have long been fun yard ornaments.  I'm not sure what the origin was but I know your yard could be "flamingoed" (I don't think that's a word) which meant you could wake up with 50-75 pink flamingoes in your front yard put there by a group who, for a donation, would sneak into your yard in the night and, voila!  The money they collected from the donors was donated to charity and I believe it was for breast cancer.  I could be wrong, so if any blipper has more accurate information, let me know.

Anyway, back to the purple flamingoes.  This display was at my local garden center and I inquired if pink flamingoes were old news and purple was now "in".  I was told that the purple flamingoes were for Alzheimer's and that the garden center had even displayed support for the Alzheimer's charity by painting a couple of walls purple to match the flamingoes.  I think they're quite charming and since my family was deeply affected by the disease, I'm probably going to show my support by plunking one of the purple flamingoes in my yard.  I really hope the geese don't mind.  If they do, there are a lot of wonderful charitable causes they could support.  

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