Shall we stay in, or out?

We went to vote early this morning, no excuse really as the polling station is about a minute's walk. J then dropped me at the gym, and he came home and went out on the motorbike. I was going to visit the library afterwards, but it was closed until 2 o' clock for staff training. I walked the long way into town, on my daily quest for a blip. Nothing much caught my eye, so I caught the bus home. J was home not long after me, and as I didn't have a blip, we went down to Parc Slip. I went into the hide, while J went in search of a dragonfly, by the pond. I was slightly more successful than he was! I like the way the Canadian geese, all followed  each other  into the lake, and then back out the other side.
Needless to say, I won't be staying up tonight to watch the live coverage of the EU referendum. I  think I can manage  to wait until tomorrow.

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