
8.30am and this guy was obviously feeling the heat.
I think it came as a bit of a shock to the ladies out walking their dogs when he appeared from the shadows.

It has been a day of contrasts around here.......

    The childrens behaviour and attitude talking to  shouting at us in the morning nearly had SWMBO in tears by lunchtime - but by the time we left they were a dream to be with.

    It was rain soaked flowers in the morning and sun kissed buttercups by lunchtime.

There are loads of drain covers marked for repair in the street outside Bags' house (they have been marked for weeks). The one directly outside her house took nearly a week to from having the damaged road surface being cut out to being refilled.
Today it was the turn of the one opposite to be repaired.
Every time I looked out the numbers of "workers" had increased. I thought 6 was overkill.
I was wrong.
It went up to 8.
And to make sure we knew where our council taxes are going they made damned sure we could see all these "workers" (you can see them all working hard can't you?) they were not only clad in Hi-Viz suits, but gloves too!!
It took the team 45 minutes to fill in the foot wide area round the drain cover.
Don't strain yourselves boys - and girl (who actually did most of the work I think).

I have tried to stop taking pictures of feathers but I have slipped back. I think I am an addict.

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