Today, thankfully, was a very busy day. Helped keep my mind from brooding all day (as it had most of the night) about the referendum.
School office, briefly, then off with CarbBoy to the dentist to check out a weird tooth thing he has going on. Turns out it's probably, almost definitely, going to be fine but a trip to the orthodontist might be a good idea (this, of course, just in time for his 12th birthday when it seems that all French children get braces!) Anyway, she says he has fab teeth, though she did backtrack a little when I asked her to add some strong words about Coca Cola consumption... (I'm always happy to outsource badcop parenting whenever the opportunity arises.)
Later, lunch and shopping and, later still, off to Castres with CarbBoy for an allergy appointment. The lady on the phone was very clear that he shouldn't take any antihistamines for one day before the appointment. So he didn't. Turns out, she should have said seven days. And the receptionist did not make herself my favourite person by suggesting I had perhaps misunderstood (Un jour. Sept jours. Oh yeah, because they're so similar.)
Anyway, the doctor was the lovely no nonsense type that you are happy to put your trust in. CarbBoy will have a blood test whenever we choose, and he'll have skin prick testing when we go back (I have to take small bits of everything he's allergic too for her to test him with. Scary.)
After that overheated journey, home to save TallGirl from a curdled cake mix. As well as the buns she was making for school (I have been proved wrong, though I suspect I may end up doing the icing) she used the leftovers to produce these top notch lemon madeleines. My photo was going to be some garden produce to illustrate the launch of my latest diet attempt (prompted by one of my all-too-rare cravings for a raw food diet), but actually this is way more appropriate. I only had one.
Now a long night ahead of me waiting for, first, MrB's return from London-via-Spain (to avoid the air traffic control strike, though actually his flight was much delayed by it regardless), and then the results.
My madeleine count may increase...
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