Prockies pics

By Maralyn

No!!! I'm not moving for anyone!!

Oh, sorry, did someone mention breakfast? Ok, I'm coming!!
Morning, as you can see, Shadows hanging on to the bed for dear life!! I then moved, and so did he, mega washing, then ready for breakfast!!! I'm ready for a coffee before getting back to the task of packing for my holiday tomorrow, yeahhhhhhhhhhh!! Oops, sorry, mustn't get carried away!! Lots to do before then, firstly need to find the song that's running through my head...............found it, just don't know how to link it to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you'll just have to sing as my journey to Antigua is via another Caribbean Island..........are you ready?
Oh, I'm going to Barbados
Oh, back into the palm trees............

I just hope my captain tomorrow is not Captain Tobias Wilcock of Coconut Airways, otherwise I'll never stop singing!!!!!

Have a good day.

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